Residential Predator Control - Boffa Miskell appointed

Residential Predator Control - Boffa Miskell appointed

29th September 2022
Brent Barret - Consultant
Funding from ORC Ecofund

The Aroha Kaikorai Valley Trust is pleased to report that Boffa Miskell have been appointed to create the operational plan for our ORC Ecofund funded residential predator control project. The whole valley including scrub, farmland, industrial and residential holdings will be considered as we develop and roll out our trapping program. 

We were very impressed to meet Brent Barret from Boffa Miskell who brings a wealth of experience to the table and his excitement is infectious. Brent will consult with the Trustees and his team of experts to develop a operational plan that ensure we get off to a good start and also have a long term impact on predators.